Monday, November 29, 2010

Farewell Party

We would love the chance to say goodbye to all our friends before we leave. Farewell party at our house on Saturday 18th December at 4pm, please bring either a plate of nibbles, salad or dessert and your own drinks. Hope you can come to see us off.

More photos of the van!

Video Tour of Caravan

Jas and Tyler have produced a video tour of the new home away from home, click here to view it.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

About Us

Hi, we are Lee, Julie, Jasmine (10) and Tyler (8). We have decided to take a long drive around Australia. We began researching vans straight away and quickly decided that the Jayco expanda was perfect for us. We were lucky to find a van fairly easily in great condition and with everything we needed. Our trip will begin with a three month stay in Elanora QLD with my sister to save a little extra cash, after attending a family wedding in April we will embark on the journey of a lifetime.