Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jas and Tyler first day at new school

Jas and Tyler's first day at Elanora State Public School. Tyler got a lovely teacher named Mrs Larkin, Jas got a male teacher named Mr Gardner who seems very cool. Both like their new school and are making friends.

Kirkman's Australia Day Elanora QLD

We had a great Aussie Day, spent lounging around at Tullebudgerra Creek. We did all the Aussie essentials, swam, ate snags cooked on the barbie, swam some more, had a few drinks and sat having a chat in the sun. Beautiful day.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pics from life in Elanora

Tyler learning to surf at Currumbin

Looks like a pro already!

Goodbye Pics

Jas and Meg

Larnia, Jas, tyler and Kadem


With Nan and Chloe

My little baby, Chloe

About to leave, at last!!!

Aunty Penny and Charlie

Monday, January 17, 2011

Life so far in Elanora

Well as i speak the sun is shining, the salt water is drying on my skin after a lovely swim at Tullebudgerra Creek. jas is swimming at the neighbours and making friends with one of the only girls in the street, 7 year old Amy, Tyler and his cousins are playing nerf gun wars out in the street with all the boys in the street (about 6 of them) lee is enjoying his first day at work perving on meter maids! So yes, we are settling in to life here nicely. I have applied for a job at an After School care centre and a waitressing job at a riverfront restaurant, so fingers crossed. Well i need to get back to my coffee and maybe have a swim in the pool. Yes, we are missing you all!! xxoo

Friday, January 14, 2011

We are off!!

Well we have finally left Coffs Harbour. We got sick of waiting for the floods to clear and the highway to open. Left this afternoon and drove to Ballina via Casino and Lismore, took a bit longer then usual but at least we are finally officially on our way. Triton went great and the van towed well. Staying at Lee's sisters one night then setting up house in Elanora for a few months. Glad to finally be off, hoping that the highway is clear in the morning to go the rest of the way.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Still counting down

Well, Saturday became Sunday, then Sunday became Monday, and Monday became Tuesday, and now all that has become Friday. Rain has delayed our leaving as it has slowed us down getting things finished around the house, and on top of that we heard there were going to be some road closures and didnt want to run into that. We then discovered that the tow system on the new car is not graded for our van and have had to order a new one, this arrives and will be fitted on Thursday. All going well, fingers crossed we will leave Friday morning!! Kids and their friends are starting to think we are never going! I assure you we are, and now that we are all packed up I for one have itchy feet. Lets get this van rolling already!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nearly There

The van is packed and the house is almost empty except for the last few things like food and toiletries. We are all getting very excited and would just love for the rain to stop before we leave. If we havent managed to catch up with you before leaving, sorry! Keep in touch via this blog or email,